Thursday, June 2, 2011

What the Hell Kind of Title is That?!

I figured my first post should be an explaination of the title of my blog. I mean, I've never considered myself preppy--I transcend stereotypes, bitch!-- I'm not a guy, but I am white and I've got some tales to tell... so it kinda makes sense... Anyways, here's the story:

Disclaimer: I'll be using everyone's real names unless I feel like making some up, or if I find out I need to change them for legal reasons.

Last weekend my bestfriends and I had a little party. It doubled as an early birthday celebration for Britt (21 suckas!) and a graduation party for Ashole (her name is Ashley, you get the idea). Two birds, one stone, that's just the way I like to get things done.

I was talking w/ Ashole, Meg, and her boyfriend--we'll call him Matt because that's his name-- about the first impressions that people give off. Like an idiot, I asked Matt what his first impression of me was (I was under the influence of some things).  I was curious because I usually get way different answers: Bitchy, shy, nerdy, etc. All contradictory assesments of my actual personality, except for the fact that those are all probably pretty accurate...

Anyways, as Matt described his first impression of me I went from flattered, to offended, back to flattered, then to a neutral state somewhere between pissed and sad. He finally summed it up in one sentence, "You're kind of like a preppy white guy."

... Really, Matt? A preppy white guy? Not even a preppy white girl? By the way, this was after he described me as funny and uptight in the same sentence.

When I heard that, I actually busted up laughing. After that, Meg and I decided to make up titles to our memiors. Mine, of course, would be called Nicole Abate: Tales of a Preppy White Guy. Hers? Isn't it obvious? Well, it soon will be after I blog a few more stories about her. Meg's memiors would be called What If I'd Said No (this is, of course, a sexual joke often aimed at Meg and always in good-hearted fun). Matt decided to get all deep and name his Work in Progress, or Survivor, or something like that. Sorry I can't remember, Matt. Like I said, I was under the influence of some stuff.

Here's a pic from that night:

I'm clearly indifferent about them...

Oh, wait, I DO love them!

So there you have it, a fun filled night full of honesty and ab-crunching laughter. I love those days., and I love my friends. Oh, and thanks, Matt, for helping me come up w/ a title for my memiors. Your check is already (not) in the mail. 

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